Things To Consider When Choosing Your First E-Cigarette

As smoking electronic cigarettes become increasingly common and more people decide to swap their tobacco cigarettes for a vape device, the market is continually expanding and there are more vaping products available nowadays than ever before. Whilst this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it can make it more difficult to decide which e-cigarette you should purchase when deciding to switch from smoking. 

Unfortunately, as you may expect, there isn’t a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution to e-cigarettes and what’s right for one person isn’t always what’s right for another. However, there are a few things that can help make choosing your first e-cigarette slightly easier. So, if you’ve decided to stop smoking cigarettes and you’re wanting to make the transition to vaping, be sure to think about the following before impulsively buying an electronic device. 

How much and how frequently you usually smoke

Generally speaking, the number of cigarettes that you smoke on a daily basis at the moment will help you to decide which e-cig is best for you. For example, if you’re a light smoker, cigalikes or tank systems are usually suitable, whereas if you’re a heavy smoker, a mod will probably be better. You will want to ensure that your new device provides the right vape experience for you.

Whether you have any preference in terms of brand 

You may find that this doesn’t apply to you at all and you’re happy to use any brand, but others will be more conscious in this regard. If you’d like to purchase an electronic cigarette from a well-known and well-trusted brand, it is worthwhile doing some research before you buy a device. Just remember that different brands specialise in different types of vapes. 

The battery life your e-cigarette is likely to require 

Depending on how much you smoke as well as when and where you smoke, a device’s suitability will differ. If you currently smoke throughout the whole day, you will probably need an e-cigarette with a longer battery life so you don’t have to charge it multiple times a day. Whilst cigalikes are usually what’s generally recommended for first-time vapers, they don’t tend to have a very good battery life, so it is important to take this into consideration.

Whether ease of use is essential to you

Within the range of vape devices on the market, some will be incredibly straightforward to use and others will be more complicated, especially for first-time vapers. Generally speaking, devices like cigalikes and vape pens are much easier to use than mods, and you will notice a big difference in this regard. Think about how patient you are and whether you’re happy to take the time to get to grips with a more complicated device. 

How important the look of the device is 

Of course, it is always worthwhile considering the appearance of the e-cigarette too and these days, they really do come in a vast range of shapes and sizes. From simple black pen-style vapes to colourful patterned boxy tank kits, there is something for everyone, so think about what your individual preferences are in this regard. 

The amount you’re willing to spend on a vape device 

You will probably have noticed that electronic cigarettes can vary quite dramatically in price and you can pick up some devices for as little as €10 - €20, but others will cost you more like €70 - €80. Think about what your budget is for your first e-cig, it’s entirely up to you how much you want to spend and it is possible to get decent devices that don’t break the bank. 

Buying your first e-cigarette 

Hopefully, the information above will be beneficial when you’re switching from smoking and by taking the time to think about these things, you will find it easier to navigate the market and choose the right vape device to start with. Of course, if you’re still none the wiser, instead of investing in something and hoping that it will be okay, you’re best to reach out to someone with vape experience for assistance. 

Our friendly team here at The Vape Life will gladly help you further in this regard and recommend different e-cigarettes that they think will be most suitable for you when vaping for the first time. We have a huge range of vaping products available to purchase on our website too, from starter kits and e-liquids to nicotine shots and a range of accessories, and you can rely on us to supply you with everything you need to get started. So, don’t hesitate to contact us today if you require any assistance. 

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